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Graphic Design

Here are a few of my works in graphic design.

All designs/photos used below are mine unless specified.

Hope In a Bottle Fundraiser Flyer

This is a flyer designed for SFLArcadia's 2022 Hope in a Bottle Fundraiser when I was Vice President of SFLArcadia in sophomore year.


Icons used from The Noun Project

Made on February 27, 2022

Created using Adobe Photoshop

Jessica Tanujaya - Inspirational Quotation.jpg

Inspirational Quotation

This is a school assignment for Graphic Design B. The goal of the assignment was to create a visual composition that communicates / complements a chosen quote.

I chose the quote "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started." I decided to illustrate my design idea on Adobe Photoshop in order to achieve a clean abstract look. For the background, I chose a warm sunset palette of yellows and oranges in order to give the composition a warm feeling.


The first thing that came to my mind was a mountain. Getting to the top of the mountain is the goal, but is easier said than done. The figure at the bottom of the mountain represents the person who wants to get to the top of the mountain. Their white body represents hope and innocence of the hardships and challenges that will come in the journey of climbing the mountain.


The figure sitting at the edge of the cliff represents the person wanting to quit. The cloud that rains upon them represents depression. Their dark body represents absolute loss of hope. They sit at the edge at the middle of the mountain with the choice of getting up and continuing their journey to the top, or to climb back down in misery.


Finally, The figure at the top of the mountain inside a thought bubble from the first figure represents the person's dream of successfully reaching the top of the mountain. They're standing up the same way the first figure did, which represents the courage found in believing in themselves. Their dark body represents experience and lack of innocence. In contrast, their white gemstones on their forehead and radiating glow represents hope and optimism that allowed them to reach the top of the mountain.


Overall, I think that this composition well depicts the quote I've chosen.

Made on April 15, 2022

Created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Principles of Design

This is a school assignment for Graphic Design A that was chosen to be displayed at Arcadia High School's 2022 Art Exhibition. The goal of the assignment was to create a design that represents each of the 8 principles of design using a color scheme and using only "circles" (open to interpretation).


Made on January 28, 2022

Created using Adobe Illustrator

Jessica Tanujaya - Principles of Designs.jpg

Music Concert Poster

This is a school assignment for Graphic Design A that was chosen to be displayed at Arcadia High School's 2022 Art Exhibition. The goal of the assignment was to edit and manipulate different images in order to create an original work of art poster for a real concert performance that visually depicts the chosen genre of music.


Photos used from Unsplash and other sources

Made on December 15, 2021

Created using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator

Prom Poster

When I was a sophomore, I was part of Traditional Advertising in Arcadia High School's Prom Committee. I designed this poster to promote Arcadia High School's Prom 2022. The theme of prom was "Celestial Night" (later changed to "A Celestial Night"). The theme colors were blue, purple, pink, white, gold, and black.

When I was making this poster, I was heavily inspired by minimalistic art, so I decided to draw the illustrations by hand. The roses represent love and beauty. The golden glowing dots can be interpreted as stars, fireflies, or sparks of joy and festivity. The blue wavy lines that flow along the border of the poster represents water since the location of the event is the LA River Center. 

I also did the calligraphy for the name of the prom theme.


Made on November 24, 2022

Created using Adobe Photoshop

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